Treating wound patients


Rebates are under scrutiny and will be disallowed in several MAC districts starting in January. We, Products4Doctors, have a solution.  

Effective 1/1/23, Procenta Q4244 has been assigned a national CMS payment amount of $52.40 per mg.

Procenta 200 mg will be allowed a price of $10480.00 in all Medicare contractor jurisdictions.

Offices will not be required to complete Box 19 on the CMS 1500 form, and an invoice will not be required.

So as of January 1st, 2023, the only skin substitute we are offering is Procenta.

We offer a ZERO RISK turnkey program for providers working with wound patients using Procenta a ready to use Placental-Derived Allograft Product

If this is of interest to you, simple to get started

Place an order and get an invoice for ASP price minis 35% 

We do all the Pre-Verification, as well as the billing for you to assure proper reimbursement

Payment Guarantee: You make no payments till you’re paid. Only after insurance pays you, that you pay us, with a reimbursement average of 15 days

You are making 35% of invoice

Premier ASP Amniotic Wound Care Membrane Solution!

We offer a turnkey program for provider’s wound care patients using an ASP Amniotic Allograft Membrane Allografts along with a billing solution.

Membrane currently reimburses $1045 ASP per cm and is reimbursed in all MAC’s

Simple to get started, No up front costs

  • There is no rebate. We have a purchase agreement.
  • Complete an Insurance Verification Form and receive results within 2 hours
  • Place an order and Receive membranes within 24 hours

We offer our 3D Point and Click Wound Assessment APP 

Standardized Wound Assessments, accurate and reliable including depth and wound bed classification, directly on your mobile device at the point of care.

Take a measurement of a wound in under 10-seconds!

  1. Point & Click
  2. Circle & Swipe
  3. Circle Around the Wound and Mark Measurement Output
  4. Automated Documentation and Reporting

We do all the Pre-Verification, as well as the billing.

No advance money out of pocket Only after insurance pays you, that you pay us, with a reimbursement average of 15 days.


Amniotic Membrane Allograft

Zenith Amniotic Membrane is a sterile allograft designed for optimal wound covering and protection during the treatment of wounds.

Amniotic Key Features & Properties:
• Provides a reliable protective wound covering backed by decades
of science
• Dehydrated extracellular matrix acts as a scaffold supporting the
native tissue
• Adheres easily to wounds including those with irregular surfaces
• Immune privileged and angiogenic
• 5-year shelf life at ambient temperature storage

Procenta® is an acellular placental-derived graft made from soft connective tissue that is hydrophilic, sterile and requires no re-hydration or orientation.

The UltraMIST® System
2022 Reimbursement Guide

Therapy Indications
Low-frequency, noncontact, nonthermal ultrasound (UltraMIST® Therapy
– CPT code 97610) is considered reasonable and necessary wound therapy and therefore may be eligible for coverage when provided as wound therapy for any of the following clinical conditions:
• Wounds, burns, and ulcers meeting Medicare coverage for debridement:
• That have failed conventional debridement, but which are too painful for sharp or excisional debridement
• With documented contraindications to sharp or excisional debridement.
• With documented evidence of no signs of improvement after 30 days of standard wound care.
• Wounds may include but are not limited to venous leg ulcers and
diabetic foot ulcers.

Call or Text me at [C] 727-645-7774 (Direct Dial),

(ofc) 727-999-3119 or Email